Saturday, August 14, 2010

Canadian poetry set me free

This is poetry alive and human and truly breathing. And adapting to survive our 21st ADD, show me, give me more, century.

Under the layers of my journalist ambition, lies a 12 year old poet, waiting to be set free. If you look carefully, you'll see she makes an appearance every now and then in a television voice-over that sounds more like prose than the news, or in a quiet metaphor set between a loud opinion piece, whispering, "let me out." Tanya Davis: that stringy-haired, spunky nerd of an adolescent would like to thank you. And so would her carefully coiffed, cropped hair, sometimes subdued spunky, nerd of a successor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this, and watched it at the exact right time in my life. Thanks for sharing!